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Leadership is hard, allow us to help guide you

Our Purpose

Help leaders grow so that they can better lead our homes, organizations, governments, and countries.

Our Why

The world needs better leaders. Our "why" is to do our part to help develop them. As leaders and lifelong students of leadership, we understand the difficulties associated with it. This website is our gift to those who wish to better themselves as a leader, regardless if you are starting out or a seasoned professional.

Our Vision

Provide a free, self-service, high-quality, resource for anyone interested in learning more about leadership.

Our Beliefs

"Everything rises and falls on leadership." - John C. Maxwell

Many people are called "leaders" even though they are not. Not everyone can or should be a leader. We believe a leader, among other things, is one who chooses to serve others. Leaders can be found everywhere as they are not confined to specific job titles or roles. They could be a boss, co-worker, subordinate, friend, parent, family member, etc. The act of leadership is hard and it can be developed. The best leaders continually develop and strive to be better tomorrow than they are today.

What we offer

Do offer

General guidance

We aim to provide information on several topics we believe you need to know as a leader.

Food for thought

There is no right answer for leadership. This site contains information to get you thinking.

Book Teasers & Quotes

We want to provide just enough information for you to determine if you would be interested.


Many aspects of this site will challenge you to grow. That is on purpose. Growth is the goal.

Do not offer

Specific solutions

The actions of a leader are highly dependent on the context. As such, we avoid providing solutions.

"Thou shalt"

We are not here to preach. Use whatever information works for you and ignore the rest.

Book Summaries

Summaries leave out a lot of context and we do not want to misrepresent or misinterpret an author.

Imply you are less than

A challenge does not mean you are not good enough. You are enough and you can get better.

We respect original ideas and intellectual property

This website captures information from various books, blogs, websites, podcasts, videos, etc. We strive to cite everything that is not our own, including pictures. We also acknowledge that we are human and make mistakes. In the event something is incorrect or not cited, please let us know and we will correct it.