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Welcome to the leadership guide!

Our goals

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We exist to help guide leaders to material worth consuming.

In addition to the thoughts on our about page, we have three primary goals.

(1) Help reduce stress

A quick Google search on "leadership training" will yield more than 2 billion hits! A search on Amazon for "leadership books" will yield 60,000 hits! There is so much material that exists on the topic that it can be overwhelming. Additionally, there is a lot of material that, if followed, may not lead you to your desired results.

(2) Identify key topics

What are the right topics for leaders to know and understand? While there is no right answer to this question, our goal is to identify some of the most important topics. Of note, it is highly probable that these topics will lead you to other topics of interest based on your circumstances.

(3) Provide resources to learn more

Each topic will include a variety of resources to learn more; including books, websites, podcasts, videos, etc.

Again, the goal is to guide you to material worth consuming.

The framework we use

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"All models are wrong, but some are useful" - George Box

This is a model to guide leadership growth. It does not offer a list of character traits, skills, or step-by-step instructions; rather, a list of topics, each of which requires continuous study to become more proficient. 

How the model works

The model is centered around reality. What is the reality of your situation? Consider the following factors: politics, supervisors, coworkers, customers, personalities, processes, procedures, time, budget, resources, norms, rules, and behaviors. What works for one, may not work for another because the context is different.

Within the context of your reality, consider three questions.

What do I need to do to lead myself?
Many leaders will testify that the hardest person to lead is yourself
What do I need to do to influence others?
"He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk" -John C. Maxwell
What do I need to do so that we perform together?
"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." -Henry Ford

Rinse, wash, repeat. In the words of John C. Maxwell, "growth is not an event, it's a process." Consistency overtime will lead to big results.

How to use the guide

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Step 1 - pick a topic

Topics are grouped into three categories (as show above). With 25+ topics, there is something for everyone.

Step 2 - soak it in

All topics include: a business case (why it's important), foundational information (what the topic is all about), and handpicked resources (where to learn more).

Step 3 - expand your growth

Dive into the resources, learn from the experts, apply the lessons, and pay it forward (share what you've learned).